Saturday, March 3, 2018

On my Heart

I am sorry for not posting here for a while. My life had gotten so busy, and I was beginning to doubt whether or not I should continue with this account. But the Lord has put it on my heart to warn people about what is to come. These are going to be the most difficult times this world has ever seen, and yet, few seem to notice it. And some who do sit back in silence.
 I am not judging the silent ones. I will leave that up to God. But the fact remains, for me, I feel that if I do not say something or at least try to warn people, that I will be guilty. Ignorance can cause many bad things to happen, but it is staying silent instead of taking action that is the most horrific killer of all. If I do not sound the alarm, will there be blood on my hands? Maybe there will be, maybe not, but either way, I will have to answer to God.
 So, I will proclaim this loudly here and my other site if it is the last thing I do: 
War is coming, very soon. Tribulation and persecution will start soon. Everything you know will come to an end. Repent of your sins, and cry out to the Lord, and He will answer you. Pray fervently for the unsaved you know and don’t know. Spend time in the Word every day, and study it. 
May God Bless you.

Friday, February 16, 2018


"Pray for your loved ones now, all those who read this message. There is so very little time left. The war that has been building for a long time now will begin shortly, and many will be caught unprepared. Many will die in this war. It is imperative to pray for the sake of your loved ones that do not know Me, as well as those lost whom you do not know."

There is so much tension and violence in this world today, and it will increase more and more with time. The intensity increases every day. Much like the speed of a treadmill increasing, forcing the runner to run faster, the Body of Christ will endure more and more intensities as the days pass. But we have already won. Jesus paid all at the Cross. If you repent of your sins and faithfully obey Him with a humble and pure heart, you will be right in the eyes of God. So please, please, pray about all things and all events, in order to deepen your relationship with Jesus and to intercede for the lost.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Worry and Fear

There are dangerous times ahead, no doubt about that. We live in the End times, meaning that we will see things come to pass that no others have or will. There will be much destruction, persecution, and suffering all around us, and many people will lose hope. However, do not be afraid. It will do you no good to worry about what is to come. Instead, focus on maturing in your relationship with Christ. That must be your first priority. Yes, it will be hard to lay worldly things down (I am still finishing that up myself), but you must do it. When your resolve wavers, when you are tempted to fall back into an old sin, rebuke those thoughts and keep on going. Remember, the things in this world are temporary, and filled with empty promises. And though this present world is coming to an end, the eternal Kingdom is only beginning. Ungodly fear and worry are hindrances on your path. They will stop you from a relationship with the Lord, and will eat at you and wreck havoc on your life. So, then, you must cast out all thoughts of fear, as they are sent by the devil to stop you in your tracks. 

Refrences: 1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out all fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love  

Sunday, February 11, 2018


Lay down the worldly things in your lives, for you cannot live in both the Spirit and the flesh. The darkness in this world is ever-increasing day by day, and it can overtake you if you let it. Take a good look at your life. What things are not of God? Search your hearts, find those things, and release them, for it says in Scripture: “That Grace instructs us to give up ungodly living and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in this world.” (Titus 2:12). It is imperative that you get your house in order and walk in the faith. There is not much time left. May God Bless you, and keep watching and praying.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

War is Coming

I received this word from the Lord during prayer this morning

"Tell my people that there is a war coming, very, very soon. When the spiritual war gets heavier, so will the physical. Tell them to prepare for loss. Do not be burdened, for I AM the Lord, and you will find protection and comfort in Me."

World war 3 is indeed on the horizon. Secret alliances are being formed right now, and plots are being hatched. Destruction is imminent, and time is running out. Many, many people will be killed in this war, and you will likely lose family and friends. Pray for the salvation your unsaved loved ones, as well as the unsaved that you don't know, and draw near to the Lord. Repent of your sins, and seek the Lord with everything you have in you. Spend time with Him every day, whether it be in worship or the Word, because there will come a time where the Bible will be outlawed, and you will have no Scripture to lean on except the ones that you store inside your heart. Take your relationship with Jesus, our one True Lord, very seriously, because you will have to stand before Him one day.

Take heart, and trust in God. This does not mean that the Lord will keep tribulation from coming, but that He will be with you and give you strength during that time. But you have to have a deeply rooted relationship first. People will suffer, and people will die during this war, especially with it being the end times. You may well be one of them. But if you get right with the Lord, walk in His ways, and obey His commands, you have nothing to fear. Remember, He already conquered sin and death.

So please, cry out to the Lord in prayer. He will answer you. Get right with Him, repent, and walk in His ways. That is the best way to prepare for what is to come.

May God be with whoever reads this.